Free service manuals


Nostatech's Free Service Manuals goal is to provide free schematics and (service) manuals.


Nostatech's Free Service Manuals goal is to provide free schematics and (service) manuals.


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5181 datasheets

Type A Type B Type C Component
BAV45_1 Semi conducter
BAV73_N_1 Semi conducter
BAX14_2 Semi conducter
BAY80_2 Semi conducter
BB119_1 Semi conducter
BB130_1 Semi conducter
BB204B_1 Semi conducter
BB212_1 Semi conducter
BB215_1 Semi conducter
BB405B_1 Semi conducter
BB417_1 Semi conducter
BB809_1 Semi conducter
BB909A_1 Semi conducter
BB910_1 Semi conducter
BB911A_3 Semi conducter
BC107_108_109_4 Semi conducter
BC140_141_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BC160_161_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BC177_CNV_3 Semi conducter
BC237_237B_2 Semi conducter
BC307_307B_1 Semi conducter
BC878_4 Semi conducter
BCF29_30_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BCF81_3 Semi conducter
BCW81_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BCY58_59_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BCY70_71_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BCY78_79_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BCY87_88_89_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BF494_495_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BF591_593_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BF689K_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BF763_CNV_2 Semi conducter
BF997_2 Semi conducter
BFG17_2 Semi conducter
BFG197SERIES_3 Semi conducter
BFG67W_2 Semi conducter
BFQ161_3 Semi conducter
BFQ162_2 Semi conducter
BFQ166_2 Semi conducter
BFQ222_2 Semi conducter
BFQ225_2 Semi conducter
BFQ226_2 Semi conducter
BFQ232_232A_2 Semi conducter
BFQ236_236A_2 Semi conducter

5181 datasheets


Wil Manshande, nostatech en cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by using this website or any of the provided service manuals. Nor can any of the manufacturers of the devices be held responsible.

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