Free service manuals


Nostatech's Free Service Manuals goal is to provide free schematics and (service) manuals.


Nostatech's Free Service Manuals goal is to provide free schematics and (service) manuals.


If you are searching for a tv manual, please try to search for the chassis type.

No download available? Please mail me. It will take 6-8 days before I will upload the file on the site.

Did you succeed repairing your device? You can send me a photo(s), which I will add it to the site.

5181 datasheets

Type A Type B Type C Component
TDA8564Q Semi conducter
TDA8565Q Semi conducter
TDA8566Q Semi conducter
TDA8574 Semi conducter
TDA8576T Semi conducter
TDA8577 Semi conducter
TDA8578 Semi conducter
TDA8579 Semi conducter
TDA8601 Semi conducter
TDA8702 Semi conducter
TDA8703 Semi conducter
TDA8705 Semi conducter
TDA8705A Semi conducter
TDA8706 Semi conducter
TDA8706A Semi conducter
TDA8707 Semi conducter
TDA8708A Semi conducter
TDA8708B Semi conducter
TDA8709A Semi conducter
TDA8712 Semi conducter
TDA8714 Semi conducter
TDA8716 Semi conducter
TDA8718 Semi conducter
TDA8722 Semi conducter
TDA8725T Semi conducter
TDA8730 Semi conducter
TDA8732 Semi conducter
TDA8735 Semi conducter
TDA8740 Semi conducter
TDA8741 Semi conducter
TDA8742 Semi conducter
TDA8745 Semi conducter
TDA8752 Semi conducter
TDA8753A Semi conducter
TDA8755 Semi conducter
TDA8758 Semi conducter
TDA8760 Semi conducter
TDA8761A Semi conducter
TDA8762 Semi conducter
TDA8762A Semi conducter
TDA8763 Semi conducter
TDA8763A Semi conducter
TDA8766 Semi conducter
TDA8771A Semi conducter
TDA8772 Semi conducter

5181 datasheets


Wil Manshande, nostatech en cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by using this website or any of the provided service manuals. Nor can any of the manufacturers of the devices be held responsible.

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